Mobile-First Website Design & Development

Depending on your needs and budget, you have a choice between a bespoke website appropriate for all sized companies; an economical, easy to grow Foundation+ Website ideal for small businesses and nonprofits; or an all-in-one SitePilot℠ subscription that allows to you start small and grow consistently over time.

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Why Aukema & Associates for your website design project?

We have decades of experience designing and developing responsive WordPress websites that are attractive, accessible, and highly effective by using the latest UX/UI practices, well thought-out navigation, and carefully crafted content. See our Web Design Portfolio.

Our team of highly creative and multitalented graphic designers have extensive experience in digital and interactive web design. Trained in the latest UI/UX best practices, including special training in accessibility, they work hand-in-hand with our experienced web developers to provide a mobile-first approach to website design.

In addition to professional design and development of WordPress sites, we offer:

Our Web Design Philosophy in a Nutshell